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Millati Islami Groups


Millati Islami Community Zoom Meetings

Every Friday at 8 Eastern US
Every Sunday at 8 Eastern US


Join Our Main Zoom Meeting, direct link

    • Meeting ID: 880 0356 5307
      Passcode: 172234


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Meeting ID: 880 0356 5307
Passcode: 172234
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Other Zoom groups follow…
Sister2Sister  steel
SafeHavenGroup FridayNightMeeting

Minneapolis Millati Islami 
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6pm Central Time 
Click to join:
Or use the alternate zoom info: 
Meeting ID: 577 539 1291
Password: 60drnZ

 Late afternoon 

Sista2Sister 20240418b

 Early afternoon 

Sista2Sista 20240418



Non-electronic Groups/Meetings…


 Pathtopeace 20230722





And “The List” including face-to-face, phone, and Zoom meeting…

GROUP NAME City and State Address Contact name(s) Contact Numbers Meeting Days and Times
Our Main Zoom Meeting Zoom Meeting id 8800-356-5307 Passcode 172-234   Fridays & Sundays 8:00pm Eastern
Sista 2 Sista Zoom Meeting id 808-690-5503 Passcode 484-434 Dial-in 1-646-558-8656 Sundays 2:00pm-3:30pm Eastern Wednesdays 6:30pm-7:20pm Eastern
Steel Sharpens Steel Men’s Group Zoom Meeting id 880-0356-5307 Passcode 172-234 More info: Salim (718) 404-2496 or Muhammad (267) 456-4001 Thursdays 7:00pm-8:30pm Eastern
The Recovering Clean Safe Haven Group Zoom Meeting id 332-100-6616 Passcode 546-798 More info: Salim (718) 404-2496 or Muhammad (267) 456-4001 or Fatima (267) 242-0399 or Asiyah (267) 499-0780 Sundays 10:00am-11:30am Eastern
Minneapolis Millati Islami Recovery Support Meeting Zoom Meeting id 491 711 1058 Passcode 787657 Hurriya 712-203-6213 Mondays for Step meeting at 6pm Central/7pm Eastern Tuesdays for Tradition meeting at 6pm Central/7pm Eastern
Minnesota Millati Islami Recovery Support Meeting – Overcoming Addiction Book Study Zoom Meeting id 491 711 1058 Passcode 787657 Hurriya (712) 203-6213 Saturdays 2:00pm Central/ 3:00pm Eastern
As-Sabiqun Group Seattle, WA 220 S. 3rd. Pl. Renton, WA 98057 Amir Musa Abdul Shakur 206-712-9077 musashakur19@gmail.com Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 6:00pm-7:30pm Pacific Time
Oh Ye Who Believe Group New Orleans, LA Masjid Ur Rahim PO Box 750150 New Orleans, LA 70175 Stan Cameron 718.404.2659 lurnpr@gmail.com Tuesdays 7:00pm Central Time
The Golden Path Group Los Angeles, CA 9827 LaSalle Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90047 Basim Zahir / Abdul Malik 310.210.1552 / 323.350.7346 Sundays 12:00-1:30pm Pacific Time
Winston Salem Group Winston Salem, NC Community Mosque of Winston Salem 1419 Waughton St. Winston Salem NC 27106 Ibrahim Davidson 336.655.5379 Bilal Elmore 336.817.7714   Mondays 7:00pm
Jama’at Al Tauba Group (The gathering of those making repentance) Washington, DC / Maryland Avondale Islamic Center 4637 Eastern Ave Mount Ranier Maryland 20712 Imam Bilal Ali 202.374.0534 Fridays 8:30pm – 9:30pm Eastern Time
New Life Jaamat Tucson,Arizona Islamic Center of Tucson, 901 E.1st Street Tucson,AZ 85719 Abdullalatif Ashanti / Edgar Huggins 520 304.9643 abdulyeja53@msn.com Between Maghrib and Isha Prayer Tuesday and Thursday
  San Francisco CA 94117 San Francisco Muslim Community Center 850 Divisadero St. Otis Rahem 415.244.6125 otisraheem@sbcglobal.net Saturdays 12:00 noon Pacific Time
No Option Group San Diego, CA 6431 imperial Ave. Jihad Faruq Shaheed 619.534.1622 / johnrandle22@gmail.com Thursdays 5:30pm Pacific
  Sacramento, California MAS-SSF Office 3820 Auburn Blvd. Suite 83 Sacramento, CA 95821 Maseh Stankizai 916.486.8626 / Maseh.Stanikzai@mas-ssf.org Please call or email for meeting times
Millati Islami Minneapolis In Person Meeting Minneapolis, MN 2218 1st Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55404 Bella M. 612-403-2294 ubah.mohamud@niyyahrecovery.org Every Saturday 6-8pm Central (We meet upstairs… second room to the left.)
The Barakah Group Rochester, NY 452 North Street Rochester, NY 14621 Abdul- Kariem Cannon 585.739.4509 Saturday, 6:30pm Eastern Time
Millati Islami Pittsburgh, PA Chapter Pittsburgh, PA An Nur Islamic Center 1017 Center Street Wilkinsbug, PA 15221 Jamal El-Amin 412.913.5590 el.amin225@gmail.com Meeting not Currently Active
Masjid Muhammad Philadelphia, Pa 19144 Masjid Muhammad 414 East Penn Street Philadelphia, Pa 19144 Br. Sadat 215-501-4944 Every Friday, 3:30 PM Eastern Time
Norristown Islamic Society Norristown, PA 5 W Elm Street (1001 Swede Street) Norristown, PA 19401 Br. Sadat Sis. Aeysha Br. Oosama 215-501-4944 215-837-0589 215-977-0632 Every Monday, 6:00 PM Eastern Time
MIB Group New York, NY Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood Inc. 130 W. 113th St. New York, NY 10026 Luqman Yunus 1694 Nelson Ave. Bronx, NY 10453 646.610.9809 lljones9@yahoo.com Thursdays 6:30pm-8:00pm Eastern Time
MIB Group New York, NY Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood Inc. 130 W. 113th St. New York, NY 10026 Abdul Wakil Muhammad 917.418.7705. miseabr@yahoo.com Tuesdays 6:00PM Eastern Time
Millati Islami of Masjid Al-Islam New Haven, CT 55 Gilbert Ave. New Haven, CT 06511 Abdullah Sabir Latif 475-800-5967 Tuesdays 6:00pm to 7:30pm Eastern Time
Benja’min Abdullah Group Mount Vernon, New York 10550 Masjid Yusef Shah 10 South 2nd Avenue Mount Vernon, NY 10550 Mustafa White / Hasan Shareef 917.670.6798 / 914.233.6935 mustafacny@yahoo.com / hasanshareef69@hotmail.com Monday 7:00pm – 8:30pm Eastern Time
  Miami Florida Masjid Al Ansar 5345 NW 7th Ave. Miami, Florida 33025 Hanif Abdul Rashid 305.926.7787 / hanif827@aol.com 4:00pm – 5:00pm
East Oakland East Oakland, CA East Oakland Recovery Center Greg Moore 510-227-4827 Sundays 1:10 to 2:30
Millati Islami of Dallas, Tx. (Chapter) Dallas, Tx., 75203 2420 Cedar Crest, Dallas, Tx. 75203 Mufid Nu’Man and Nashid Uqdah 214-859-0999 & 214-690-0069 Sunday 10AM
MILLATI ISLAMI IN RECOVERY Dallas & Fort Worth, TX 1604 SUMMER DR, CEDAR HILL,TX 75104 SCOTT C. & BAQUEE S. 214-779-0497 & 214-580-0024 Saturday, Noon – beginning July 9, 2016
The Haqq Group of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH 2315 Kenton Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45206 Sis.Jamilah Luqman, Bro.Hamidullah Shabazz, Bro. Darryl Muhammad 513.739.8206 / 513.382.7937 / 513.884.4211 Monday 6:pm until 7:30 pm times vary during Fall and Summer Seasons based on daylight savings times.
The Survivors Group Camden, NJ 08104 Quba School Islamic Learning Ctr.-1311 Haddon Ave. Faheem & Ali Thompson 856-916-8687 Tuesday evenings: 7pm to 9pm
The Path to Peace Group Newark, NJ 07103 Masjid Al-Haqq 687 Springfield, Ave Br. Qawi Shahid, MSW 551-655-9409 Every Sunday: 2pm to 3:30pm
The Tauheed Group Brooklyn, NY 1166 Bedford Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11216 Aisha Muhammad or Khalil Ibn Islam aisha@tauheedcenter.org 917.577.2343 & khalilislam13@gmail.com 646.600.0477 Thursday 6:00pm – 7:00pm
Upland Brookhaven Group Brookhaven, PA 19015 601 Upland Ave, Suite 116 A Jaffar Wali Green 302-897-3246 Wednesday evenings: 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Path To Peace Jamaica, NY 11435 87-91 114th Street   866-354-0102 Wednesday evenings: 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Yusuf Millati Islami Group / www.pathofpeace.us Bakersfield, CA 1221 California Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93304 Kareem Saeed Siddeeq 661.546.4413 Thursday 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Markaz Alkaram (Generosity) Group Atlantic City, NJ Markaz Alkaram Community Center 712 Michigan Avenue (first floor). Atlantic City, NJ 98401 Nafiysa M./ Khalid Nafiysa M. 609.553.5488 / Khalid 609.892.4284 7:00pm Mondays and Fridays
“You Can”t Deen If You Ain”t Clean Group- Atlanta, GA Atlanta, GA 2031 Metropolitan Ave, Atlanta GA Niles Akbar 404.734.8376 / 773.610.3517 12:00pm – 1:30pm Saturday
The Moment of Truth Group- Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA 4016 So. Central Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90011 B. Zahir 310-2110-1552 9:30am Saturday
Oh Ye Who Believe Group- New Orleans, LA New Orleans, LA 1238 N. Johnson St. New Orleans, LA 70116     07:00pm – 8:00pm Monday
Telephone Meeting ALL STATES! Telemeeting. From your home Millati Islami World Services (717) 908-1766 code 255185 8:00 PM Eastern Time Tuesdays and Wednesdays


2 responses to “Millati Islami Groups”

  1. Exzavier (Wazir) Avatar
    Exzavier (Wazir)

    As salaamu alaikum I would like to establish this group in Dallas ,Tx inshallah with my non profit organization also Masjid Al – Islam .

  2. Exzavier (Wazir) Avatar
    Exzavier (Wazir)

    As salaamu alaikum I would like to establish this group in Dallas Tx inshallah with Masjid Al-Islam

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