- Hits: 55
A google sheet has been created and shared with our meeting list.
Code has been written to read that sheet and create the HTML for our website.
Any authorized person can add to or update the google sheet; the update of the website itself is then one manual step.
- Hits: 83
2024-07-09 Updated main page
1. removed board election announcement
2. added toll-free banner
- Hits: 107
2024-06-17 Updated/replaced upcoming events flyer.
- Hits: 112
2024-06-17 Renewed MillatiIslami.org domain
Domain is registered with NameCheap.com
Our domain has now been set to auto-renew.
- Hits: 152
Added "The Road to Recovery" Speaker Jam Event Banner
- Hits: 313
2023-12-14 Added "The Survivors Group" banner
See https://www.millatiislami.org/index.php/millati-islami-groups
Added banner, updated phone number in detail block.